2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Group work

  2020年5月19日上午,欧洲杯官方买球网址机关团支部召开支委会,组织学习习近平总书记给北京科技大学全体巴基斯坦留学生回信内容和第九季第二期青年大学习内容。Discuss the related work of the Youth League branch。

  会议指出,要深刻领会习近平总书记的回信内容精神,多同世界各国青年一道,携手为促进民心相通、推动构建人类命运共同体贡献力量。To seriously study the ninth season of the second phase of youth learning all the content,A deep understanding that the people are masters of the country is the essence and core of socialist democracy,We must ensure that the people are masters of the country,Develop people's democracy,Maintain close ties with the masses,Relying closely on the people to promote national development is a significant advantage of China's state system and national governance system。