2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  Recently, the group held the 2023 annual Party branch Secretary review meeting on grassroots party building。The meeting was presided over by Wu Shiwei, Party secretary and chairman of the Group company。More than 40 members of the Group's Party committee, Party branch secretaries, heads of departments, grass-roots party members, cadres and staff representatives attended the meeting。

  The meeting adopted a combination of on-the-spot report and written report, five party branch secretaries made on-the-spot report to the general assembly;Four Party branch secretaries made a written statement, and Wu Shiwei, Party secretary and chairman of the Group company, commented one by one, pointed out the problems, and clarified the next goal and task and direction of efforts。

  Wu Shiwei fully affirmed the achievements of the party building work of the Group company in the past year, and put forward three requirements on further strengthening the mission and improving the overall level of party building: First, pay close attention to party building and build firm loyalty to the Party。要坚定政治立场,坚持不懈用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂。It is necessary to shoulder the political responsibility for stability, do a good job in the standardization and standardization of grass-roots Party organizations, and effectively build Party branches into the strongest fighting fortress。Second, we must pay close attention to party building and promote high-quality development。It is necessary to integrate ideas, effectively improve the integration of party building and business work, always adhere to the party building to promote business, and effectively promote the high-quality development of enterprises。It is necessary to integrate each other in action, focus on the main responsibility and main business, summarize and refine the experience and cases of party building innovation, and cultivate a distinctive and loud party building brand。Third, we must pay close attention to party building and strengthen team building。It is necessary to strengthen the construction of party members, strictly maintain the threshold for the development of Party members, and focus on examining the motivation for joining the Party and political quality。We must implement the responsibility system for Party building。The Party branch secretary should earnestly fulfill the responsibilities of the first responsible person, be a good political study "navigator", political life "organizer", political discipline "goalkeeper", and effectively pass on the pressure and put the responsibility down。

  At the meeting, the participants also reviewed the 2023 Party branch secretary's grassroots party building work on site。